Modi Boxi Pro Pack Photo Founder's Choice Winner - WhoctorDo!
We are excited to announce that WhoctorDo was named Trapper's Founder's Choice winner of the September 2024 Modi Boxi Pro Pack Photo Contest!
I connected with WhoctorDo on Discord to talk about the Founder's Choice selection!
Trapper @Modi Boxi: Thanks for taking a few moments to answer my questions! Your Discord name is very memorable. I find myself doing mind flips to type it out correctly haha.
When I saw your build, it was an immediate favorite of mine because we got to see it evolve to store more and more as the contest went along. I appreciate the engagement and the incremental improvements!
What should the community know about you in this Founder's Choice win?
WhoctorDo: I'm a 45yo guy from Ohio, married for 25 years with two kids: 19yo son and 12yo daughter. I've always love gaming, board and video, and decided I wanted to start 3D printing my own minis, terrain, and other stuff. I've wanted a 3D printer for a long time and decided to spend a bonus I received to get one. I had lots of trouble with my first printer and almost gave up before I bought a Bambu A1 mini. It wasn't long after that I chucked the other one and bought a Bambu P1S. Now I'm printing all day every day!
Trapper @Modi Boxi: The Bambu effect is real! Awesome to meet another mid 40s dude. Us old guys gotta stick together! It's a great build. How'd you find Modi Boxi to begin with?
WhoctorDo: I first saw an ad for Modi Boxi on social media and knew immediately it was something I needed. I was going to be adding all of these game pieces to my collection, but I had nowhere to store them. I signed up for the VIP program very early and loved the engagement with Jeff, you Trapper, and the community from day one.
Trapper @Modi Boxi: Well we are lucky to have you. Not only are you designing and printing great things you are also really active in the community and we apprecitae that!
How'd you get the idea for this monster storage build in the first place?
WhoctorDo: I now run multiple tables as a GM and there are so many places I was storing dice, books, condition rings, creature cards, map grids, a D&D creature case, and much more. Set-up and clean-up took forever. I made my first version of the DM Box earlier this year, but quickly filled it WAY up. I realized I needed much, much more room. When the PRO Pack was announced and I saw all of the pieces available, I knew it was going to be the basis of the upgraded box.
Trapper @Modi Boxi: It seems like you've taken this build to its absolute maximium! Is there more to ad to it or are you moving on to other projects?
WhoctorDo: I'm printing up so many miniatures. I especially enjoy the support-free sculpts done by BriteMinis, Arbiter Miniatures, EC3D, and Rocket Pig Games. I'm also printing up some modular terrain pieces which can be used to make unlimited dungeons, taverns, caves, and more. All of them with their own Modi Boxi storage system.
Trapper @Modi Boxi: Well we can't wait to see that stuff! Definitely post in the Discord showcase! Is there anything missing that you are still waiting to see from Modi Boxi?
WhoctorDo: Jeff will kill me for saying this, but I REALLY want a large dice roller that looks like a PLINKO game from Price Is Right. It would be very tricky to make it work while adhering to the Modi Boxi rules, but I believe in him!
Trapper @Modi Boxi: We all believe in Jeff. We really do. lol! Anything else we should check out?
WhoctorDo: I highly recommend checking out the creators I mentioned above, especially if you do any model painting or tabletop gaming. They are making some amazing sculpts which print easily on almost any printer!
Trapper @Modi Boxi: Will do! Congrats again and see you round the chat!