Modi Boxi Pro Pack Photo Contest Community Choice Runner Up Winner - FailingBravely!
We are excited to announce that FailingBravely won the Runner Up Community Choice award with the second most votes in the September 2024 Modi Boxi Pro Pack Photo Contest!
I was able to catch up with FailingBravely to talk all things Modi Boxi in our Discord!
Trapper @Modi Boxi: Awesome Discord name by the way! Congrats on the runner up spot! We weren't planning to have a runner up, but man, your build is so awesome and Jeff and I knew it needed recognition! Anything with a carrying strap rules! How did you come up with the build idea?
FailingBravely: One of my customers was looking for a way to attach a shoulder strap to one of the various cases I make! I saw that with the PRO Pack that I could mount a separate rail on the outside which opens a lot of different possibilities and wrapping ends of a shoulder strap is one of them.
Trapper @Modi Boxi: Well that's really cool. The customers always come up with the best ideas for sure! How did you get your start with all of this?
FailingBravely: I got started with my first printer all the way back in 2013 with the purchase of my first 3D printer, the Micro by M3D. Lasted like 10 prints before it got out of alignment but sparked enough to get another printer!
Trapper @Modi Boxi: Wow! That is way before my time. My first printer was a BambuLabs P1S lol. Technically I used an Ender before that which my daughter got for her brithday... the leaps in technology from 2013 must seems crazy.
What let you to the Modi Boxi community? What are you building next with it?
FailingBravely: I first heard about Modi Boxi through a friend of mine on Discord for storage solutions.Now I'm working on a Deluxe Version of my popular Kill Team Carry Case to include a side car for the tarot sized cards that are hard to store effectively and using the updated DIY dividers for storing the new scatter terrain.
Trapper @Modi Boxi: I hear many people talking about Kill Team as a popular need. Speaking of needs, anything you think we should add to the system we don't already have?
FailingBravely: I would like a good way to attach roll up playmats for like D&D to the system. Some sort of twist clamp system that mounts to the side of a Boxi.
Trapper @Modi Boxi: Haha it's funny you are asking for that. Wait a couple days. lol. That and much more will be coming out the next few months!
Thanks for the time today and congrats again on winning the Runner Up Category! Where can people follow your builds?
FailingBravely: People can check out my insta failingbravelyhobbies for some of my favorite builds and my Etsy store, XYZ Creative Fab, for inspiration and any suggestions people might have to make my products better!