Modi Boxi XL is coming November 8th!
Why Modi Boxi XL
After the success of Modi Boxi on Kickstarter, a larger Modi Boxi became one of the number one feature requests within the community. The Modi Boxi XL was one of the stretch goals of the original campaign, but it was a really large stretch goal because Jeff and I knew that it would be a massive project to accomplish.
With Modi Boxi, it isn't as easy as scaling things up. When things get bigger, ensuring that the system continues to work at all sizes becomes increasingly complicated. And although we could make the XL work ONLY on 300mm or larger beds, just like with the Large Boxi, we knew immediately that a composite option for smaller beds would be required.
Modi Boxi XL is the result of many months of protytping and experimentation. It resulted in many other improvements that we can't wait for you to experience.
Modi Boxi XL almost doubles the amount of STLs in the Modi Boxi system with over 600 new files. Not only can you print a Modi Boxi that is 30% larger, but with improved drawers, improved rails, and all new trays, you can store so much more.
Modi Boxi XL isn’t just an "upscale." It’s everything you love about Modi Boxi but so much more of it! Get your filament ready for November 8th.
My Mini Factory Frontier
We've decided to do another My Mini Factory Frontier for the Modi Boxi XL because our PRO PACK earlier this summer was so successful. We love working with the team at MMF and are excited to bring our Modi Boxi XL out as a Frontier. Unlike a normal crowdfunding campaign, when you back the campaign on MMF, you will get the Modi Boxi XL files right away! You can start printing them immediately!
We plan to release instructional videos and photos, but those might come a couple weeks after the campaign launches. Make sure to join our discord server to get the latest file updates, edits, bug fixes, instructions, and more!
Pre-register now!
Sign up to be notified when the campaign launches and get a new 3x counter STL right away!
Modi Boxi XL Features
- XL Boxis are 290x290mm
- Full support for composite XL allowing you to print most everything in the XL expansion on a printer bed of 180mm or larger.
- Advanced rail system combines DIY trays and the old rails with even more ways to divide, store, and transport diverse minis. Also works with a Large Boxi.
- New rail hold downs that support a wider variety of mini base shapes and sizes.
- New double handle lid that is simple to print.
- The Pro Pack is also getting an update (free to anyone that already owns the Pro Pack) that will add XL support for DIY walls, larger paint holders, side cars, card drawers, new cage handles, and flat arms
We hope you'll enjoy this new expansion for Modi Boxi!
--Trapper & Jeff