File Update - Version 010 for all Zips.
File Update. Massive. Check it out! Grab the latest files from your download location!
-- 4/24/2024 --
Note: we are leveling all 00# to 010 for all zips:
— Items came out or beta:
— Medium and Large arms are updated to be stronger
— New: Boxi Carrier Extra Wide for the GW big books.
— New: Screws to work with Mini holder for Boxi. There are now handles on them and they come in 3 lengths.
— New: Medium Boxi LVL 04 ( +14 STLs)
— New / update: Handle center post and Handle center post 2x have larger grips. ( + 8 STLs)
— New: 3 New Small Lids and a small handle.
— Out of Beta —
Latch Lid Mounts
Customizable Latch Lid
Large Dice Roller Tops
—- Large 010 ——
Boxi Carrier Extra Wide for the GW big book.
— Added: L_Boxi_Carrier_Big_Side_X_Wide.stl
— Added: L_Boxi_Carrier_Small_Side_X_Wide.stl
@Joey (X 1-Carbon) thanks for the idea.
New screws: Mini holder for Boxi. There are now handles on them and they come in 3 lengths.
screw_w_handle_LVL_05.stl, screw_w_handle_LVL_03.stl, screw_w_handle_LVL_02.stl
Update: Flat Arms Updated to be stronger
—- Medium 010 ——
Update: Flat Arms Updated to be stronger
Added: Medium Boxi LVL 04 ( +14 STLs)
Files added:
M_Rail_Shelf_04Lyrs.stl, M_Rail_Box_04Lyrs.stl, M_Angle_Tray_Lyr04_Corner.stl, M_Angle_Tray_04Lyrs_Corner.stl, M_wall_04Lyrs_1.stl, M_wall_04Lyrs_2.stl, M_wall_04Lyrs_3.stl, M_wall_04Lyrs_4.stl, M_wall_04Lyrs_5.stl, M_wall_04Lyrs_6.stl, M_Support_wall_04Lyrs.stl, M_Tray_04Lyrs_1.stl, M_Tray_04Lyrs_2.stl, M_Tray_04Lyrs_3.stl
—- Modi Boxi Core Medium and Large 010 ——
Handle center post and Handle center post 2x have larger grips. ( + 8 STLs)
Added: Handle_5_bigGrip.stp, Handle_5_bigGrip.stl, Handle_6_bigGrip.stl, Handle_7_bigGrip.stl, Handle_8_bigGrip.stl, Handle_2x_5_bigGrip.stl, Handle_2x_6_bigGrip.stl, Handle_2x_7_bigGrip.stl, Handle_2x_8_bigGrip.stl
—- Small 010 ——
New small Lids and handle
Added: S_Hinge Lid_no_Handle.stl
Added: S_boxTop_lid.stl
Added: S_handle.stl
Added: S_Hinge_Lid_with_Handle.stl